Sunday, April 24, 2011

Written in 15 minutes, because these quizzes and presentations leave no time for anything else

I refuse to blindly follow them all.

In doing what they all do.

Even if they tell me that’s what I must do,

Because that’s what they all do,

Because that’s all they ever saw,

And that’s what they must live up to.

They say the only way to survive,

Is doing what they all do.

But I know that I must follow

My own dreams, my own thoughts,

What is the point anyways,

of a life like the Barbie dolls?

They say the forest must be crossed

By going where they all go

The same old road they all strode?

No, that isn’t why I exist.

I ought to tread my own path,

Make a difference, in the least.


PG said...

Awesome work yar :)

OSM said...

Great Job......... Really connects well with us.

ghostwriter said...

Awesome! :)

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I-
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference."

dk said...

:) Believe me, the poem by Frost is very much similar, but it wasn't an inspiration for this post!