Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The world is a small place now.. so much so that going away from home to even a foreign land for higher studies is no big issue at all. But trapped here in a foriegn city, in what is supposedly a place many yearn to join, I'd barter anything for the life I enjoyed two years ago..
After having lived here for more than a year now, I'm no better off here than I was after the first month. Having relived few of the most beautiful memories of my life in the last few days, with the most wonderful friends I have.. in an environment where friendships did not occur or break just for the purpose and sake of benefit, I did realize how badly I miss those times, for all that we did then seems so much more warm and real compared to the hollowness that seeps into every word and act of people in this place. Inspite of having made a firm decision to try to stick here n not rush home at every opportunity, I find myself itching to escape, every time there's a weekend off..
What is so different about the life here, I do not understand.. Is it that the innocence of childhood has been replaced by the cut-throat competitive spirit everyone here seems to be overflowing with? Or is there something about "home" that nullifies every negative influence? Or perhaps theres something about the people living in or coming to a "big city" area.. maybe a high degree of self-concern is required for survival here..
Whatever be the reason, it sure is high time I learned to adjust according to this horrendous place, for, obviously I cant stay stuck feeling lonely n missing home forever!


dk said...

P.S.: I just promised to be happy always, whatever be the situation, coz life's too short to waste shedding tears :)

tushar said...

vry nice 1....hav read ur poem 4 the 1st time....n may b i'l follow d rest ones yet 2 come :)

Srijan said...

Life here is much diferent from what many of us have known.... here the people tend to be so individualistic..... that personal gain is looked upon as supreme...... and that touch of belonging is hardly seen....... there are a few notable exceptions to these and for this reason, even though i cant b with them most of the time.... i treasure them more than anything else.... have been searching for a soulmate for a very long time.... havent been able to find one till now... but never have i let smile fade from my face.... real or pretended.... never will i let it fade in future.

Srijan said...

and btw... on ur prev post.... capt planet is one of my fav too... :D