Nothing beats the sensation of wind blowing through your hair. The joy of falling down and lying in snow, the first few raindrops on your face.
The sight of sparkling water gushing down the hills, watching the sun rays trickle through the leaves. A colorful rainbow that calls you to try touching it.
A connect that develops with some work of art - The dreaming about being present inside it. The sense of satisfaction and achievement on doing the best you could have done.
A hope that tells you everything's gonna be okay, and somehow magically it does- as if the hope was a message from God. The unshakable faith that you associate with someone, or maybe yourself. Some place where you find your roots.
A reunion, a nostalgic recap of the old days, a heart-to-heart conversation with your best friend.
Life- Look forward to it, learn from it and get the best out of it! :)
Its pointless. You're a slave to randomness.There is no pattern, no elegance.
Maybe you'll realize when you really want something, and you see it pass-by just out of grasp. You'll realize that there are things outside your control. How do you forget that dream which you have, which you know wouldnt come true? How do you get rid of that deep seated melancholy, a sense of compromise with the randomness of life - the compromise of finding other dreams to give meaning and motivation ?
As they say, Life is beautiful :)
As is your post :)
:) yes life is beautiful! and I still believe there's no dream that wouldn't come true, or any compromise that need necessarily be made :)
Realistic dreams pursued with true feelings do become true, the reason we fail or compromise at times is due to our lack of 'full' desire for those dreams (which implies we follow them halfheartedly)
and yeah post is beautiful :)
Amazingly written :) Loved this line: "A colorful rainbow that calls you to try touching it."
thanku :)
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