Sunday, June 7, 2009

The power is yours??

Another day gone and over with..The one day I’ve been so excited about always, n undoubtedly my favourite day-- The World Environment Day. I have been upbeat about this day since class 5 (the particular reason being a cartoon show on tv I used to regularly watch- Captain Planet. Twas easily my favourite TV show and I hero-worshipped him).
So, I think I’ll begin with a tribute to that great show—I vividly remember mother Gaia, representing nature and all creation. There were the five planeteers who wore rings representing five elements of Earth: Kwame(Earth), Wheeler(Fire),Linka(Wind),Gi(water) and Ma-Ti(heart). When these planeteers united their special rings Captain Planet rose- he had superheroic powers and rescued the planet from villains who were harming and polluting it for their own self-interests, not without giving them appropriate punishment. The show, apart from being highly entertaining had such a strong impact on my mind, which I little realised at that time but I do realise now that it was the biggest factor that motivated me towards doing something for the environment, bringing about a change in the way things r going n try to restore a clean, green earth.
So in class 5, thanks to the aforementioned show, I learnt that June 5 is celebrated as World Environment Day and realised that it would be a good day to start doing “my bit” for the Earth. I used to plant a few saplings, at least on Environment Day, Earth Day, my birthdays and other such events. I would also start planning so many other things as well.. hardly a few of which would work out in the end, (sometimes thought of organising Save The Earth programs, and that did work out too once!!). But by the end, I atleast had the satisfaction of having made efforts; and would also have gathered knowledge in the process, as I would go through material I’d collected, including newspaper and magazine clippings or other bookmarks I’d set on the net.
This year it was all so different. I had joined college with a firm decision, a decision that had come after two years of being so busy with studies (maybe not really busy, I had that excuse atleast) that I really had no time for helping out and doing my bit for nature. I’d thought of establishing a nature club, one that would continuously strive to educate people regarding the atrocities we all are committing on the planet. I did start by daily picking up articles from newspapers and even made a webpage, but after joining college my enthu somehow seemed to fade out :( Instead I joined a number of other groups and started actively participating, so I was again left with no time for this particular interest. And even though I’ve been home doing virtually nothing for the past one month, this environment day has been the worst ever :(. I did nothing this time, even though I’d been thinking about it a fortnight in advance.. and somehow I got so hooked up in other things(which were of absolutely no importance) or perhaps I did not care enough to gear up and do something good this time. Infact I let it go without so much as sowing a seed this time..
(to be contnd, cz I am still wondering how to rebuild that enthu in help!)


dk said...

P.S. : Congo Federer!

PG said...

yipppie.... fedex rulz...

Hey Dakshu.. nice one.. Captain Planet!!.. really liked it.

koi na.. we'll get on to something wen d sem strts..

Arjanirh said...

Wow I just saw that Captain Planet picture here. Makes me wanna watch the cartoon again!