Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What iLike!

1. CnH.
2. Bumping into someone I haven't met for ages.
3. "The song".
4. xkcd.
5. Sitting invisible, basking in the contentment of being able to disturb anybody I want to while nobody can disturb me ;)
6. e-books. :-o
7. Sleep. (Thats also what people do in heaven, I think :D).
8. Messages.
9. Blabbering.
10. And me! :D

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Things I love to do :)

1. READ. I normally can read everything >with a few exceptions ofcourse<. Takes me to a whole new world n i luv it!
2. Stay at home during the vacations. Spend time with family :) Sit pointlessly and purposelessly, doing nothing.
3. Music :) Keep trying to play new songs on the synth, new beats on the drums and, lately, new music on the guitar :P . Also listen to stuff. Bakhuda remains a favourite :)
4. Talk to friends :) in the room, on the phone, gtalk, wherever :P .
5. Meet up with friends in lucknow >ishita, yus, rai, pri n lda junta :) < :) :)
6. Enjoy the weather. Sometimes. Like right now. Gives a connected, elated sorta feel; and makes me glad that I exist!!
7. Go places, roam around and have fun. Good company is essential.
8. Watch Captain Planet / Scooby Doo / Flintstones / PPG :D . Also sometimes Tom Cruise movies and amazing flicks like Avatar :) [okay, Friends also, lately :) ]
9. I also love to write. That’s why the blog, also an amazing way to “vent it out”. Thank you, Rumna Ma’am and Manjula Ma'am!
10. Painting. Loved it as a kid, especially water-color painting. Would love to start again!! :)
11. Poetry :) Is an awsum way to connect to the world. And to reach within yourself, too :)
12. Eat yummy stuff, especially ghar ka khana :)
13. Think random stuff..Universe and creation etc. Which reminds me of HRI. Ah! The good old days :) Chuck philosophy and chuck the future. I treasure my present and my past :)
14. Study, though very very rarely since I joined IIT. There are instances though, when I sometimes do love certain lectures, certain subjects :)
15. Cryptography. Inspired by the John Nash flick. HRI again :)
16. Cycling. With good company. Miss the RDSO days!
17. Take a walk early in the morning, with soft music in my ears and the cool breeze blowing against my face. Heaven can’t be any better! All alone in the lap of nature!
18. Visit my cousins, and my grandparents and the rest of the family. Am really missing them.
19. Admire cars, especially Honda :P
20. Think of Bhopal, the beauty of the place and the serenity of the people..
In the end, I am so glad and so thankful to God for having given me this gift of life!
P.S.: I also love this post n this pic!