Sunday, April 11, 2010

Excerpts from Encyclopaedia Galactica

They say, "God created man in his own image, in the image of God He created him"..

And so man reigned supreme, controlling Earth and her beings. But soon he turned her into a dirty, overburdened planet. Man colonized, sophisticated empires developed on different planets spread across Galaxies. The number of believers dimmed rapidly, for people were allowed to worship nothing but technology...

...The machines whizzed and clanged 206 light years away in the Empire of Titania. Nasty was clearly in charge ( NST : The most advanced of the android robots, designed and assembled completely by the machines themselves, was the only series with the ability to detect and modify positronic brainpaths. Which meant it not only had the best sense of intuition, but also the power to alter thoughts, emotions and decisions of other robots and even humans)...

...Each and every robot had to adhere to the three Laws of Robotics: Laws ensuring that the machines could never harm or allow a human being to come to harm. Then why the sudden rebellion? Nazrel, the foremost scientist of that age, imprisoned in the dome with the rest of the inhabitants of his Planet, sat awaiting his inevitable fate. He understoood that there had been glitches, after all, in the very same technology men believed to be beyond imperfections.. The three laws had led the robots to arrive at what they called the Zeroth Law, the one to be given foremost importance - that the whole of humanity was far superior to individual beings and thus, a single human could be sacrificed in the interest of humanity. But by now they were convinced that humanity had grown too evil to be allowed to survive. The machines would have to take over, for the benefit of all. There was one difference, though. Unlike humans, the machines were believers.. They began to believe that God made them to replace the sinners some day. They were a myriad times more powerful and advanced than the lowly humans, and those silly creatures thought they could fool them into believing that humans created them! The day had come, humans would have to be wiped out..


The first among the scientists responsible for the inception of the robots had said, "We shall create these machines in our own image..."