Saturday, January 23, 2010

Draw the longer line instead..

This is inspired from a story I read in my Hindi book long back.. I don't seem to be able to remember who exactly featured in it, but there was this great man who went to a class to preach. He drew a line on the board, and asked the students to shorten it without erasing it. One of the brighter students came up and drew a longer line next to it.
So don't pull others back. Let them fly, challenge them to soar as high as they can.. And then challenge yourself rise above all the rest..!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy-ness..through the "looking" glass

Well my blog site wasn't meant to be as pessimistic and depressing as it has turned out to be of late. The problem is, u know, that I mostly like to write when I am in extremes of emotion, and of these I mostly get busy celebrating when I'm happy-so its only when I'm low that I usually sit down to write. So after a long long stream of horrendous days..things have finally started to sort themselves out :) Clouds do have silver linings, after all :) N so I came back deciding I would write this time..before the ecstacy died out :D

Anyways the post isn't about what was going wrong and what corrected itself, so I better move on to the topic. :D [yeah this blog is gonna b full of smileys.. Its a happy one after all :) ] So I woke up at half past 7 today..for an 8 o'clock class, was late for class of course, but went along enjoying the cold winter morning and the rain :D Reached class 15 min late only to realize that the professor walked in just behind me. Attended clasess. One was pretty amazing, I guess that one makes it to my best 3 classes attended so far :D :D

On my way back to the hostel I met 3 batchies..and beamed at them for no reason apparently. As I walked along, I saw someone learn to drive and even that added to my elation. :D And then I saw a few peacocks, which made me reflect upon and praise God's creation :) After which I met a few of our juniors..beamed at them over again, and came back to the hostel after chatting for sometime with Guardji (our old Guard was sitting there, I was mighty pleased to see him after so long :D )

So I guess, I do sometimes feel very happy after all :) :)