Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Staying connected is in-- what with communication improving at such a rapid pace and mobile phones turning from a luxury to a necessity, and all makes and ranges of mobiles available to suit one's needs-- they are an integral part of our lives.. so much so that the fear of being out of mobile phone contact has been defined, and the term coined for it is nomophobia.
So what if you are on a cruise and there is no "network coverage"? :D Unthinkable? Thats what these little electronic devices are- the boon and the bane of modern times.
What if there is suddenly an alert on certain fatal effects of mobile phones(which is not a very unlikely situation!) and suddenly mobiles become a thing of the past?..TORTURE?? This certainly defines what an important place these devices, that were introdeced just around a decade ago, have occupied in our lives!! Isnt it time we give a thought to the fact and try to reduce their importance and consequently our addiction to them?

The world is mobile, after all...but is it all white?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Perceptions of a different kind...

The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven
- Milton

Thought I'd begin blogging with the very theme of my blog, perceptions of a different kind...
Every individual has a different perception of the world around him, the way different peeople look at things varies drastically. The change in my own way of observing and reflecting over events, that occured within just a few months, surprised me as well!

A certain train of thought can be ascribed to an entity.. "Cogito, ergo sum"- I THINK, THEREFORE I AM. And what better way of recording and comparing what our mind makes of things than jotting them all down?

So here's a tribute to the brilliance of the mind and the vibrancy of the spirit.